Visual BCD 0.9

Free isual BCD Editor is an advanced GUI version of Windows bcdedit utility
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Software Informer Virus Free award
Used by 32 people
Free   966 KB

Visual BCD Editor is an advanced GUI version of Windows bcdedit utility.
It is the first GUI tool to implement full editing of Windows 7/Vista Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store.

The tool gives a structured view of Windows BCD store with its explorer like interface and is easy to use for novice and advanced users.

Visual BCD Editor implements automatic creation of loaders for dual or multi boot systems with Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP and Windows 7 VHD installations (since version 0.9.2) and so is the ultimate Windows 7 dual boot editor.

Boot sector loaders (for booting Linux, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mac OS X) are created with one click and need additional extraction of MBR or PBR with dd utility for Windows (in development - automatic creation of GRUB based loaders).

New in version 0.9.3 - handling of Custom Bootstrap Actions (boot-time keyboard shortcuts to loaders).

The user can create and change the value of more than 140 properties of BCD objects by simple edits. Other similar utilities give access to not more than 20 properties.

Comments (3)


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Great for editing the BCD system. Not so great for creating custom BCD for WinPE / Deployment images. Despite creating new BCD and opening other BCD, it still manages to overwrite the system BCD.

Back up the system of BCD files before using this app.
Thankfully, the repair of BCD files works fine.

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Has automatic dual-boot repair.

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The BCD can be edited easy with a GUI. The one click dual-boot repair functionality is wonderful

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  • Visual bcd editor v0.9.3
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